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Do You Market Yourself As An Architectural Professional Or A Student?

Marketing for Architecture firms or even for architecture students and teachers is going to be very crucial. With so many firms into action Architecture marketing is a must.

Did you know there were about 90k Architecture firms that were registered by the Council Of Architecture in the year 2019? 

This means there are a lot of Architects into the market. And this only means there’s going to be a good quality work and great designing stuff out there. 

Architecture marketing

So You might be good at any kind of skill. You might be good at sketching. Or you might be good at 3D Modelling, drafting, presentation or coming up with Out of the Box Ideas. 

But, if you aren’t able to make your target audience aware about your existence then, there’ll always be dependencies on word of mouth. And depending only on word of mouth when you’re getting things started, is not a good option for scaling a business.

Although it is really great if you’re getting word of mouth because this defines you’re providing your clients with quality work. But that’s a great bonus. Not something you should rely upon forever. 

Marketing for Architecture firms and personal branding of Architects can give you that visibility. 

And if you belong to any of these categories, it’s better to have your own Architecture marketing plan set.

So here are the 3 steps using which you can market yourself digitally as an Architecture Student, Teacher, Professional or an Architecture Firm owner. 

1. Marketing on Instagram and Facebook.

Instagram lets you show off your amazing works, your office culture and helps you create a bond with the outside world. People get aware of your presence and can engage with your work which could provide a great architecture marketing opportunity. 

But what’s more important is that you can explain the ideologies of your designs. That’s the most important part. As Architects it is our job to make non-architects believe and understand on why design is important. How does it affect the surroundings, mental health and the life around us.

At the same time you get yourself opportunities for interviews and events by various magazines and media houses. This also plays a really important role in the growth of the firm.

This helps you increase you network and Your Network Defines Your Net worth.

Instagram has given such a great opportunity for Architecture Marketing such that every professional can become an influencer at what they do and you can totally leverage the platform using these options as your Architecture marketing plan.

Here are some ways you can use Instagram for:

1. Show Off and Express your Designs

2. Engage with your Crowd

3. Express Your Office Culture

4. Exhibit Your Employee Skills

5. Educate People

6. Earn Side income by selling digital products.

2. Marketing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is not just a place to upload CV’s and Resumes. It’s so much more than that and you can use it for marketing your architecture firm. For every kind of a profile, student, teacher, business you can have different marketing strategies on LinkedIn.

Content is the King. And on LinkedIn as of 2020, content gets a super high and long reach. Saturated platforms like Facebook and Instagram can get you a day or two’s reach but LinkedIn reaches can go up to weeks!

The best part of LinkedIn is that you can directly engage with the decision makers. CEO’s, VP’s, HR’s without having to go through a high level of management. But make sure not to spam people. All these guys are super busy and occupied people and the you need to have a proper way where in you approach them. 

There’s so much that you can do on LinkedIn if you can just imagine and think of ways. But here’s some pointers you can use as a reference for your architecture marketing.

1. Connect with your Target audience on LinkedIn. This could be Head Architects for an employee or student, a Builder, Developer for a firm owner and students for teachers.

2. Build your company page. 

3. Hire good talent. You can look for active content creators. These are the serious people who would always add value. Also you can make out work level form the content you observe.

4. Market your own works through content. When you keep posting stuff. You increase your chances of visibility. Luck doesn’t work unless you do. 

5. Build Professional relations. Because you never know when someone could be of help and vice versa.

3. Marketing through Website.

Having a website is like getting your home on the internet. This is very important because it get’s you complete control over your marketing. 

Marketing on social media is important. But you know what? It’s not in your control. 5-10 years from now the reach you were getting was super high. But now days, if you’re someone who posts stuff regularly you can definitely make out the difference. 

And as more and more social media accounts get stagnated, which will definitely happen over time, there’ll be lower reach and higher ads costs. 

When you have an audience subscribed to your website you have control over your costs. You can nurture your crowd and build relations and also sell any products or services over time in a cost effective and controlled manner. 

As you know real estate and the construction industry is the first to get hit during any difficult times, this can be a real cost control towards the marketing of architecture firms. 

Here are some of the ways you can market your Architectural firm and services through your website.

1.  Create blogs and Content in relation to your expertise and services. This can get you search optimized for google.

2. Increase your backlinks and collaborate with other professionals like you to grow your audience and reach.

3. Get traffic from other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Behance, etc.

4. Build and Nurture communities.

All of the Above 3 steps when followed on a consistent basis can work like wonders for your Architecture Marketing. 

As an Architect myself, and working with startups and established firms, I understand how difficult it is to survive in Architecture. 

These are some of the steps I use myself and I really feel these would add Value towards Marketing of Architecture Firms.